Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

Friday, 7 February 2025



Questo sito web va momentaneamente in vacanza. Le opere originali di Alessia Delvecchio e le stampe ad edizione limitata ritorneranno in vendita a Giugno 2025. Sono sempre disponibili gli NFTs su Opensea e le stampe non numerate su Saatchiart. Per qualsiasi informazione consultare questi siti.

Varie opere in questo sito sono utilizzate nei marketplace su articoli di vario genere che sono disponibili su Redbubble e Spreadshirt.

Nel mese di Marzo uscirà il terzo episodio del fumetto di fantascienza "OnEarth" disponibile su Amazon.

Nel mese di Giugno 2025 sarà inaugurata una mostra online dal titolo "Archetipi".


This website is temporarily on vacation. Original artworks and limited edition prints by Alessia Delvecchio will return on sale in June 2025. NFTs are still available on Opensea and unnumbered prints on Saatchiart. For any information consult these websites.

Various artworks on this web site are used in marketplaces on various items that are available on Redbubble and Spreadshirt.

The third episode of the science fiction comic book "OnEarth" will be released in March and will be available on Amazon.

An online exhibition entitled "Archetipi" (Archetypes) will be inaugurated in June 2025.

Alessia Delvecchio

“Cupid and Psyche II”,

Installation, led lights, metal, pvc 

42x171x4cm, 2023


Friday, 8 December 2017

2017 - 2025

1972 - 2002 

2003 - 2006

2007 - 2016

2017 - 2025


Published a book titled "A Year Of Fables". 
works on the series of artworks titled "Synthetic Worlds". 

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è rappresenta la terra, uno degli elementi rappresentati da platone come cubo ed è in lana cardata, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is represents the earth, one of the elements represented by plato as a cube and is in soft felt

Earth-Nigredo, 2017. 


Ends the series of artworks titled "Synthetic Worlds".

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio rappresenta la foto di biglie le quali rappresentano il concetto di armonia delle sfere di pitagora, this work of art by alessia delvecchio represents the photo of marbles which represent the concept of harmony of the Pythagoras spheres

Vivacissimo, 2018.


The artist is working on a new project title "OnEarth", a science fiction comic created by her. She started working on the "Way Back Into Soul" cycle of works.

gaia in the garden

Gaia in the garden of the 

Hesperides, 2020.



The artist works on a project titled "Way Back Into Soul".


Dance I, 2021.


The artist continues to work on the project titled "Way Back Into Soul".

The first and second episodes of the science fiction comic series entitled OnEarth: Compensation and OnEarth: Reincarnation have been released.

Monday, 4 January 2010

2003 - 2006

1972 - 2002 

2003 - 2006

2007 - 2016

2017 - 2025


Installation “Apparenze” at Tartaruga restaurant, November 29 2002- January 8 2003 Pesaro, Italy.
Collaboration with the Cultural Association “Bluartes”, Parma, Italy.
Solo exhibition "I Quattro Elementi in Pittura e Musica" at Da Dino  restaurant, January 10-March 7 Treviso Italy.
Group exhibition “Artexpo New York 2003”, at Javits Convention Center, February 27 - March 3 New York.
Group exhibition “Aperto Torino” May 5-25, Turin.
Group exhibition “Itart 2003”, at Pisa Art Exposition Center, Pisa, Italy, July 5-13.
Group exhibition “ArtExpo Nonstop.Madrid.03” at Pabellón de Convenciones del Recinto Ferial de Casa de Campo, October 16-19 Madrid, Spain.

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è un dipinto di paesaggio e si intitola vita, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is a landscape painting and is titled life
Vita, 1998.

Solo exhibition “I Volti dell’Amore” at Spazio Archetipo November 28 2005-December 2011 Rimini.

queste due opere d'arte di alessia delvecchio rappresentano un uomo e una donna e si intitolano destino I e destino II, these two works of art by alessia delvecchio represent a man and a woman and are titled destiny I and destiny II

Destino I - Destino II, 2003.


Collaboration with “Art Institutions - Banca dell’Arte”.
Realises "Pensieri su Nietzsche" with N. Rosti, an animated musical film on DVD.
Group exhibition "Il Bianco e il Nero" at "Arte Contemporanea" web-site, March 11-25.
Installation and performing art"Pensieri su Nietzsche", at Centr’Arti, May 6-20 Republic of San Marino.
Third place at Cultural Association Artea 4th National Biennial Prize, at Degli Angeli Church, June 17-25 Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy. 


Solo exhibition "I percorsi dell’anima” at Spazio Archetipo June 12-27 Rimini, Italy.Teaches in her atelier, Rimini, Italy.
Installation and performing art "I Quattro Elementi in Pittura e Musica" at Cultural Center "Ora d'Aria", September 18 Santarcangelo, Rimini.


Solo exhibition “Apparenze” at Da Dino restaurant, March 7 2003-November 24 2005 Treviso, Italy.
Group exhibition “7° Concorso Baraccano”, with the comic strip "Il Destino" May 9-21 at Centro Lame, Bologna, Italy.
Solo exhibition "I Quattro Elementi in Pittura e Musica" at Cultural Center "Il Bastimento" July 30-November 18 2005, Rimini.
Group exhibition “Corso d'Arte Pittorica 2004-2005”, teacher Alessia Delvecchio at Spazio Archetipo, October 30-November 27 Rimini.

Group exhibition “7° Concorso Baraccano”, with the comic strip "Rimbaldo" at Galleria Accursio, August 26-September 10 Bologna, Italy.
Installation art "Pensieri su Nietzsche" at Caffè Letterario Assenzio, November 11-December 11 Rimini.
The cultural association called “Archetipo” was born in 2006 and closed in 2011.

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è un dipinto astratto che si ispira ad una poesia dal titolo questa neve, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is an abstract painting inspired by a poem entitled this snow

Questa neve, 2

Sunday, 3 January 2010



Born May 8 Rimini, Italy.

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è una natura morta che si intitola tu ed io e rappresenta due zucche, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is a still life which is titled you and me and represents two pumpkins

Tu ed Io, 1996


Diploma of Master of Arts at Forlì Art Institute, Forlì, Italy.


High School Diploma in Applied Arts at Federico Fellini Art Institute, Riccione, Italy.
At the same time works as shoe designer at her father’s shoe factory.
Participates with two fashion creations at the Riccione Art Institute fashion show, titled "Un revival storico come immagine di stile del presente”, Palazzo del Turismo, Piazzale Ceccarini, July 12 1992 Riccione, Italy.


Studies at Rimini High Fashion School. Trainee at Paola Frani fashion house.
Diploma in Industrial Design.
Makes Rimini Bathing Establishment Number 42 billboard.


Graduated with honours in Painting at Bologna Academy of Fine Arts, Italy.


Theatre costume creations for La Bohème by G. Puccini at Prignano Exhibition, Modena, Italy


Fabric painter at R. Graziani factory, Faenza, Italy.
The installation and performing arts group called Archetipo was born.


Installation and performing art "I Quattro Elementi in Pittura e Musica" at Palazzo del Podestà, July 3-4 Rimini, Italy, with music by N. Rosti.
Collaboration with the American gallery "Gallerie La Ruche" by Jon Bailton - Alexandria (Va) from 2002 to 2010.
Group Exhibition at S. Giuliano’s Church, September 7-8 Rimini, Italy
Certificate of Honour and Award at City of Rimini 5th National Biennial of Painting, September 1-21 Rimini, Italy.
Certificate of Merit at St. John Bono Academy 31st International Art Exhibition, September 21-29 Cesena, Italy.

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è un dipinto di paesaggio e si intitola girasoli, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is a landscape painting and is titled sunflowers

Girasoli, 2001


Group Exhibition at Rimini.


Group Exhibition at Engraving Award Giorgio Morandi, Morandi Museum, Bologna, Italy.

questa opera d'arte di alessia delvecchio è una incisione che si intitola tigri in lotta, this work of art by alessia delvecchio is an engraving titled Tigers in Fight

Tigri in lotta, 1998.


Group Exhibition at Rimini.