Showing posts with label apollo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apollo. Show all posts

Friday, 19 February 2021

Apollo II


apollo II

Alessia Delvecchio
"Apollo II"
digital painting print and music on gatorfoam
200x100x2cm, 2021

"Apollo II" è una variazione di "Apollo I" e rappresenta il mito del dio solare Apollo che termina il suo volo diurno nel giardino delle Esperidi, dove si riposa durante la notte, mentre le tre sorelle danzano per mano. Apollo ha le sembianze di Elvis Presley, che viene rappresentato come dio della musica alla guida della sua BMW 507. Sul cinturino del suo orologio c'è un codice QR che può essere scansionato con il cellulare per ascoltare una melodia ispirata all'opera, realizzata al piano dall'artista. Questo lavoro appartiene alla serie intitolata "Way back into Soul", in cui sono rappresentati antichi miti in chiave moderna.

"Apollo II" is a variant of "Apollo I" and represents the myth of the solar god Apollo who ends his diurnal flight in the garden of the Hesperides, where he rests during the night, while the three sisters dance by the hand. Apollo has the appearance of Elvis Presley, who is represented as the god of music driving his BMW 507. A QR code is on the watch band, that you can scan with your smartphone to hear a melody inspired by the work, created on the piano by the artist. This work belongs to a series entitled "Way back into Soul", in which ancient myths are represented in a modern way.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Apollo I



Alessia Delvecchio
"Apollo I"
digital painting print and music on gatorfoam
200x200x2cm, 2021

"Apollo I" rappresenta il mito del dio solare Apollo che termina il suo volo diurno nel giardino delle Esperidi, dove si riposa durante la notte, mentre le tre sorelle danzano per mano. E' per questo motivo che quelle regioni sono crepuscolari. Qui Apollo ha le sembianze di Elvis Presley, che viene rappresentato come dio della musica a cavallo di Pegaso. Al centro della sua cintura c'è un codice QR che può essere scansionato con il cellulare per ascoltare una melodia ispirata all'opera, realizzata al piano dall'artista. Questo lavoro appartiene alla serie intitolata "Way back into Soul", in cui sono rappresentati antichi miti in chiave moderna.

"Apollo I" represents the myth of the solar god Apollo who ends his diurnal flight in the garden of the Hesperides, where he rests during the night, while the three sisters dance by the hand. It is for this reason that those regions are crepuscular. Here Apollo has the appearance of Elvis Presley, who is represented as the god of music riding Pegasus. A QR code is in the centre of his belt, that you can scan with your mobile phone to hear a melody inspired by the work, created on the piano by the artist. This work belongs to a series entitled "Way back into Soul", in which ancient myths are represented in a modern way.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Alessia Delvecchio

The representation of the dress as a "shell" of man means that each of us can recognize himself in the "souls" who have crossed the world since the beginning of time and who still run through it today to be able to evolve.
Along the syncretism among the religions that tries to reconcile cultural, philosophical and religious elements belonging to previous cultures and doctrines to find that link, that tendency to reconciliation of the opposites that takes place in our soul and which is a yearning for knowledge.

La rappresentazione dell'abito come "involucro" dell'uomo fa si che ognuno di noi possa riconoscersi nelle "anime" che hanno attraversato il mondo dall'inizio dei tempi e che ancora lo percorrono oggi per potersi evolvere.
Lungo il sincretismo tra le religioni che cerca di conciliare elementi culturali, filosofici e religiosi appartenenti a culture e dottrine precedenti per trovare quel nesso, quella tendenza al riconciliamento degli opposti che avviene nella nostra anima e che fa da anelito al sapere. 


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Adamo, this image represents the dress worn by Adam

Alessia Delvecchio

"Adam's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Eva, this image represents the dress worn by Eve

Alessia Delvecchio

"Eve's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Caino, this image represents the dress worn by Cain

Alessia Delvecchio

"Cain's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016



questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Vasudeva, this image represents the dress worn by Vasudeva

Alessia Delvecchio

"Vasudeva's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Devaki, this image represents the dress worn by Devaki

Alessia Delvecchio

"Devaki's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Krishna, this image represents the dress worn by Krishna

Alessia Delvecchio

"Krishna's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Dumuzi, this image represents the dress worn by Dumuzi

Alessia Delvecchio

"Dumuzi's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Inanna, this image represents the dress worn by Inanna

Alessia Delvecchio

"Inanna's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Shara, this image represents the dress worn by Shara

Alessia Delvecchio

"Shara's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Nimrod, this image represents the dress worn by Nimrod

Alessia Delvecchio

"Nimrod's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Ishtar, this image represents the dress worn by Ishtar

Alessia Delvecchio

"Ishtar's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Tammuz, this image represents the dress worn by Tammuz

Alessia Delvecchio

"Tammuz's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Pourusaspa, this image represents the dress worn by Pourusaspa

Alessia Delvecchio

"Pourusaspa's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Dughdova, this image represents the dress worn by Dughdova

Alessia Delvecchio

"Dughdova's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Zoroastro, this image represents the dress worn by Zoroastro

Alessia Delvecchio

"Zoroastro's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Osiride, this image represents the dress worn by Osiris

Alessia Delvecchio

"Osiris's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Iside, this image represents the dress worn by Isis

Alessia Delvecchio

"Isis's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Orus, this image represents the dress worn by Horus

Alessia Delvecchio

"Horus's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Zeus, this image represents the dress worn by Zeus

Alessia Delvecchio

"Zeus's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Leto, this image represents the dress worn by Leto

Alessia Delvecchio

"Leto's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Apollo, this image represents the dress worn by Apollo

Alessia Delvecchio

"Apollo's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Giuseppe, this image represents the dress worn by Joseph

Alessia Delvecchio

"Joseph's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Maria, this image represents the dress worn by Mary

Alessia Delvecchio

"Mary's dress”,

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Gesù Cristo, this image represents the dress worn by Jesus Christ

Alessia Delvecchio

"Jesus Christ's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Uther, this image represents the dress worn by Uther

Alessia Delvecchio

"Uther's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Ygraine, this image represents the dress worn by Ygraine

Alessia Delvecchio

"Ygraine's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Artù, this image represents the dress worn by Arthur

 Alessia Delvecchio

"Arthur's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016



questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Albrecht il vecchio, this image represents the dress worn by Albrecht the elder

Alessia Delvecchio

"Albrecht the Elder's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Barbara, this image represents the dress worn by Barbara

Alessia Delvecchio

"Barbara's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Albrecht, this image represents the dress worn by Albrecht

 Alessia Delvecchio

"Albrecht's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Luigi XIII, this image represents the dress worn by Louis XIII

Alessia Delvecchio

"Louis XIII's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Anna, this image represents the dress worn by Anne

Alessia Delvecchio

"Anne's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Luigi XIV, this image represents the dress worn by Loius XIV

Alessia Delvecchio

"Louis XIV's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Johann Kaspar von Goethe, this image represents the dress worn by Johann Kaspar von Goethe

Alessia Delvecchio

"Johann Kaspar von Goethe's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam, 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Katharina Elisabeth Goethe, this image represents the dress worn by Katharina Elisabeth Goethe

Alessia Delvecchio

"Katharina Elisabeth Goethe's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam, 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Goethe, this image represents the dress worn by Goethe

Alessia Delvecchio

"Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam, 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2016



questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Johnathan, this image represents the dress worn by Johnathan

Alessia Delvecchio

"Jonathan's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Marta, this image represents the dress worn by Martha

Alessia Delvecchio

"Martha's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015


questa immagine rappresenta l'abito indossato da Superman, this image represents the dress worn by Superman

Alessia Delvecchio

"Superman's dress", 

computer art, print on gatorfoam 

(Limited Ed. of 100), 100x100cm, 2015